Landscaping ROI

Return on Investment With Landscaping

Does landscaping increase home value? Will you get a return on investment with landscaping? Good landscaping can get expensive. Will it be worth it if you choose to sell your home? You have numerous choices to make and consequences to consider when adding landscaping to your home. You need to consider what aligns with your personal taste. Also, if ever sell your home, you need to consider what others will think of your landscaping. In this article, you will learn the answer to these questions:

  • Does landscaping increase home value?
  • How to use a home value estimator to find your approximate home value?
  • How much value can you add to your home through front yard landscaping

Also, we will provide our best ideas for landscaping features that will increase your home value.


Does Landscaping Increase Home Value?

great landscaping

Does landscaping increase home value? YES! Great landscaping can increase your home value. Aesthetic appeal can add to your property. A beautiful exterior attracts buyers while a dreary one will turn them away. The more likely it is for several people to want your home, the more money you can ask for it. Great landscaping makes your property more attractive, increasing home value.


Home Value Estimator

Now that you know the answer to the question, “does landscaping increase home value?” A home value estimator will show you what your home is worth. Use the home value estimator before and after adding your landscaping elements to see the value you have added to your home. It is important to note that online home value estimators will not be as accurate as real estate agents. A real estate agent can go through your home and yard to give you the most accurate home value estimate. Below are three top home value estimators that you can use to predict your return on investment with landscaping.


Chase Home Value Estimator

The Chase Home Value Estimator is simple to use. All you need to do is enter your address to return an estimated value based on the home records in their database. You can adjust values like the number of rooms and bathrooms to account for how future projects will affect your home value.


Zillow Home Value Estimator

Like the Chase Home Value Estimator, receiving an estimate using the Zillow Home Value Estimator is as easy as inputting your address. Zillow does not allow you to adjust for future projects.


Bank of America Home Value Estimator

The Bank of America home value estimator will get back an estimated home value as well as a list of comparable homes and your home value over time. 

What improvements can be made to a landscape on various budgets?

Improvements to a landscape can be made on various budgets. There are countless possibilities for enhancing your outdoor space, allowing you to choose elements that best complement the look and style of your home. If you are considering selling your home, investing in more traditional styles will likely yield a favorable return on investment. Apex advises its clients to allocate 10% of the home’s value to landscaping for the best results. It is essential to consider the architectural style of your home and select landscaping features that harmonize with it. Remember, cohesiveness is key – while individual pieces may be attractive, an overall chaotic look could potentially lead to a decrease in property value upon sale. Some budget-friendly ideas to elevate your landscape include incorporating fully matured plants, low-maintenance water features like pondless waterfalls or fountains, and inviting entertainment spaces for social gatherings. Collaborating with a professional landscaper, such as Apex Landscaping, can help you design a landscape that not only adds value to your home but also ensures a high return on your investment.


How Much Does Landscaping Add to Home Value?

good landscaping

The actual amount of your return on investment for landscaping is harder to quantify. 

Not every landscaping job will have the same ROI. While few people might find their return on investment with landscaping is 1,000%, that is not the majority. Most will see a much smaller return on investment with landscaping. You are going to need to look at your landscaping choices. On average, great landscaping will get you a 5.5% to 12.7% price advantage over non-landscaped homes.

A properly landscaped yard has the potential to add tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to the value of your home, as stated in the original passage. It is invariably true that a home with an ample amount of landscaping will be more valuable than one without it. In fact, a fair estimate suggests a 10-20% increase in home value due to landscaping. For example, if your home is valued at around $400,000 before landscaping, strategic investments could potentially add $50,000 or more to its value, resulting in significant profits should you decide to sell your home.

To get the greatest return on investment with landscaping, as mentioned earlier, thorough planning and consideration are essential. Landscaping is indeed an art form, and while spending a significant amount on a landscaping project does not guarantee a return on investment, strategic choices can greatly enhance your home’s value. It is advisable to consult professionals, especially if you are considering experimental landscaping designs. Additionally, aligning your landscaping choices with the architectural style of your home and ensuring a cohesive overall look are crucial factors in maximizing the potential value added by landscaping

If you plan to sell your home soon, more traditional styles are likely to yield a return on investment. Apex advises its clients to invest 10% of the value of their home in landscaping for the greatest ROI. Landscaping ROI will vary depending on your investment and choices for improvements.

Consider the architectural style of your home and which landscaping features will complement the architecture. The elements you place in your yard also need to be cohesive. Pieces might be exciting individually, but if the big picture becomes chaotic, you will lose money when you sell.


Here are three great ideas to consider adding to your yard to increase your landscaping ROI.



Beautiful, fully matured plants are always popular. Large trees take time to grow but can increase your return on investment if added to your landscaping. Fill in dead grass and remove weeds. Trim bushes, trees, and shrubs so that they do not crowd walkways and look as neat as possible. This is a simple task that can make your yard look clean and inviting to potential home buyers. The less work a would-be-buyer needs to do, the more money they will be willing to offer you. 


Water Features 

Water features, especially low-maintenance water features, are alluring. They add a calming effect and a sense of elegance to your home. Pond less waterfalls and fountains are two options for low-maintenance water features. These options can increase your return on investment.


Entertainment Spaces

Humans are social creatures. People like to have friends and family over. A space built to accommodate entertaining people is something many homebuyers look for. 


Hire a Professional 

Does landscaping increase your home value if it is low quality or built poorly? Adding expensive features with no plan or on your own to increase home value could backfire. A landscape architect can help you map out and follow through on your vision in a way that increases your home value.  The professional landscaper architects at Apex Landscaping can guide you to features that work well with your property. Their goal will always be to ensure you receive the highest ROI with landscaping projects. With beautiful patios, effective lighting, water features, and fire pits. Apex Landscaping can help you design the perfect landscape to get you the greatest return on your investment.

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